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Come Meet Joani

Upcoming Events:

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 â€‹Monday, October 14th

Cookies with the Candidate Hosted by Jenny and Jason Pitt  

7:30 - 8:30 PM, 245 E. Ricks Creek Circle, Centerville 


Tuesday, October 15th

Meet and Greet Hosted by Cecilee Price-Huish and Alison Dodds

5:30 - 6:30 PM​, 1048 Woodmoor Drive, Bountiful​


Tuesday, October 15th

Pop By and Say "Hi", Hosted by Hillary Garner, Brooke Bredthauer and Bridget Lee

7:00 - 8:00 PM, 343 E 830 S, Farmington


Wednesday, October 16

Town Hall at the Centerville Library with Representatives Paul Cutler and Ray Ward

6:00 - 8:00 PM, Centerville Library, 45 S 400 W, Centerville​​​​​​​


As part of my campaign I am collecting items to help stock teen centers and build food pantry packs for elementary school kids.

Come meet me and please consider by bringing a toothbrush, box of granola bars, or any of the items listed HERE.

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